old fellow英 [əuld ˈfeləu] 美 [old ˈfɛlo]
- So the old fellow got round you and you gave him some money. He's clever, and he knows how to tell the tale.
The Fellowship Dinner of the Royal College of SurgeonsThe College CouncilThe Next Medical ReformHUBUNGAN TINGKAT PENDIDIKAN, SIKAP DAN PENGETAHUAN ORANG TUA TENTANG KEBERSIHAN GIGI DAN MULUT PADA ANAK BALITA 3 – 5 TAHUN DENGAN ...Unexpected coagulopathy in a 2 month old undergoing elective craniosynostosis repair "Fact or Fiction"?Bowen, E. J. (Edmund John) 1898–1980: Papers, 1921–1980Jon StallworthySmoking Behaviour and Practices and Smoking Cessation in the General Population and among Health Care Professionals in Metro ManilaThe NHS planFellow Sufferers: History and Imagination