- abbr. 国际广播电视组织(Organisation Internationale de Radiodiffusion et Télévision)
international radio and television organization-oirt国际广播和电视组织
Television programming across national boundaries : the EBU and OIRT experience
EXIST OIRT Camera and Spectrometer
Téacsanna Gaeilge ó Oirthear Mhaigh Eo / Irish Texts from East Mayo
An Meánoirthear: Koran nó Bíobla don liobáin?
pa7re.(J.Japan,Soc.Hort.Sci.)71(2):183- 186,2002, RelationshibpetweenSeedlessnesofsKeraji(Citrkuersayh'oirt.ex Tanaka) and Female St...
Opaque analysis for resource sharing in compositional real-time systems
Live From Moscow: The Celebration Of Yuri Gagarin And Transnational Television In Europe
Fundamental Theorems for Capitalist Reproduction Systems with Heterogeneous Labour
Bouzas Ortiz, José Alfonso (coord.). Contratación colectiva de protección en México. Informe a la Organización Regional Interam...
Geochemical data for 608 heavy-mineral concentrates from the northeast part of the Greenville 1 degree X 2 degree Quadrangle, South ...