off site英 [ɔf sait] 美 [ɔf saɪt]
off site
- adj.taking place or located away from the site
OFF-SITEOFF-SITEOFF-SITESimple telemedicine for developing regions: camera phones and paper-based microfluidic devices for real-time, off-site diagnosisAutomated management of off-site storage volumes for disaster recoveryGeneral practitioners' views of psychology services: a comparison of general practitioners who refer to onsite and offsite servicesOFF-SITE CASINO PLAYPredicting Bank Failures: A Comparison of On- and Off-Site Monitoring SystemsMulti-disk based data storage unit and tape emulation system for offsite data backupPerspectives of UK housebuilders on the use of offsite modern methods of constructionDrivers, constraints and the future of offsite manufacture in AustraliaOff-Site Pottery Distributions: A Regional and Interregional PerspectiveFuture opportunities for offsite in the UK