off course,off course,off course是什么意思,off course怎么读,off course的用法
2025-03-21 09:40:29
off course
英 [ɔf kɔː(r)s] 美 [ɔf kɔː(r)s]
  • adv.


  • 英英释义

    Off Course

    • Off Course was one of Japan's most influential Folk rock bands. It was formed in early 1969 by Kazumasa Oda (小田和正) and Yasuhiro Suzuki(鈴木康博).



    1. The boat's going off course, we'll have to haul up.
    2. I expect that the plane can change the course.


    Off Course
    Off Course
    Arousal, sensation seeking and frequency of gambling in off-course horse racing bettors.
    Chasing, arousal and sensation seeking in off-course gamblers
    Going off-label without venturing off-course: evidence and ethical off-label prescribing.
    Why the Mars probe went off course
    Definition and Measurement of Chasing in Off-Course Betting and Gaming Machine Play
    Impaired control over gambling in gaming machine and off‐course gamblers
    Pilot study of a novel educational programme for 11-16 year olds with type 1 diabetes mellitus: the KICk-OFF course
    Is your company off course? Now you can find out why
    Ecosystems: climate change must not blow conservation off course.
    Demographic, personality, cognitive and behavioral correlates of off-course betting involvement



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