of no avail[ɔv nəu əˈveil]
- Faraday used no mathematics at all to prove his rule.
Rhetorical devices are of no avail: a rejoinder to Peter Singer.TGF-β1 of no avail as prognostic marker in lyme diseaseHDL reduction is of no avail: Only niche indication for niacin'Ill-contrived, badly executed [and]... of no avail'?; reform and its impact in the Sicilian Latifondo (c.1770-1910)Economic boom sans moral values of no avail - PMSpurs Rebuff Rockets; Olajuwon's 43 Points Of No. Avail, 107-102[Intracranial tuberculoma in Africa, with no available neuroimaging. Case report and review of the literature].AWBM SIMULATION IN NO-AVAILABLE DATA WATERSHEDS OF FARS PROVINCEThis following unsigned Finding of No Significant Impact and Environmental Assessment are available for public review and comment. P...No available evidence to assess the effectiveness of bonded amalgams