of medium height英 [ɔv ˈmi:djəm hait] 美 [ʌv ˈmidiəm haɪt]
Case study of the dynamic response of a medium-height building to wind-gust loadingComputation of natural fundamental periods of vibrations of medium-height prefabricated buildings by neural networksEvaluation of medium-height Cavendish banana cultivars under the subtropical conditions of the Canary IslandsExperimental Research on Seismic Performance of Medium-height Brick Masonry Wall Strengthened with Steel-meshed Cement MortarInnovation in Medium-height Compactness and Semicompactness Summer Millet New Germplasm and Its Application in BreedingEffects of Planting Densities on Growth and Development and Yield of Medium Height and Short Height Hibiscus esulentus LModelling the Exhaust System of Medium-Height Buildings (R1-TS29-PP02)A review of the classical method of design of medium height gravity dams and aspects of base shortening with uplift[Use of adaptation to the conditions of medium-height mountains as a means of secondary prevention of ischemic heart disease][The peculiarities of adaptation of a woman organism to the conditions of the Altai medium height altitude zones]