abbr.operation control panel 操作控制面板;output control pulses 输出控制脉冲;operation control plan 操纵控制计划;obsessive-compulsive personality 强迫性人格
OCP Effects in Optimality TheoryOCP Effects: Gemination and AntigeminationOCP effects: Gemination and antigeminationSimilarity Avoidance and the OCPMarkedness and Word Structure: OCP Effects in JapaneseAn OCP Compliant Network Adapter for GALS-based SoC Design Using the MANGO Network-on-ChipDetermination of PAH, PCB, and OCP in water from the Three Gorges Reservoir accumulated by semipermeable membrane devices (SPMD).Light-induced energy dissipation in iron-starved cyanobacteria: roles of OCP and IsiA proteinsAssessment of bioavailable PAH, PCB and OCP concentrations in water, using semipermeable membrane devices (SPMDs), sediments and cag...Photoprotection in cyanobacteria: the orange carotenoid protein (OCP)-related non-photochemical-quenching mechanism.