用作名词(n.)- One is a living holographic library of all human occurrences related unto oneself, and the entire human species.
你是一个活生生的全息图书馆,所有人类所发生的事和整个人类都与你有关。 - A number expressing the likelihood that a specific event will occur,expressed as the ratio of the number of actual occurrences to the number of possible occurrences.
Co-occurences of preverbal vocal behavior and motor action in early infancyNitrogen in rock: occurences and biogeochemical implicationsPseudopolymorphism: Occurences of hydrogen bonding organic solvents in molecular crystalsNegative evidences and co-occurences in image retrieval: the benefit of PCA and whiteningAbnormal events detection based on spatio-temporal co-occurencesThe Iron Oxides: Structure, Properties, Reactions, Occurences and Uses, Second EditionAn information retrieval model using the fuzzy proximity degree of term occurencesLearning and representing topic-a hierarchical mixture model for word occurences in document databasesUnsupervised Classifier Self-Calibration through Repeated Context Occurences: Is there Robustness against Sensor Displacement to Gain?Unsupervised Classifier Self-Calibration through Repeated Context Occurences: Is there Robustness against Sensor Displacement to Gain?