用作形容词(adj.)- The report pointed out that social and occupational factors normally play an important part in determining mortality.
报告指出,社会与职业的因素在正常情况下对死亡就有重要影响。 - Statistics on occupational mortality have been of greater value in these respects than in initiating the study of new aetiological agents.
Reproductive ability of workmen occupationally exposed to lead.Biomechanical risk factors for occupationally related low back disordersDisorders in blood coagulation in humans occupationally exposed to mercuric vaporsThe global burden of occupationally related low back pain: estimates from the Global Burden of Disease 2010 studyA global perspective on cadmium pollution and toxicity in non-occupationally exposed populationOccupationally acquired human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection: national case surveillance data during 20 years of the HIV epi...Prevalence of latex sensitization among hospital physicians occupationally exposed to latex glovesThe role of dynamic three-dimensional trunk motion in occupationally-related low back disorders. The effects of workplace factors, t...mFISH analysis reveals complexity of chromosome aberrations in individuals occupationally exposed to internal plutonium: a pilot stu...Exposure to organic solvents. A cross-sectional epidemiologic investigation on occupationally exposed car and industrial spray paint...