occidentalism英 [ˌɔksiˈdentəlizəm] 美 [ˌɑksɪˈdɛntlˌɪzəm]
occidentalism[ ,ɔksi'dentəlizəm ]
- n.
- the scholarly knowledge of Western cultures and languages and people
- the quality or customs or mannerisms characteristic of Western civilizations
Occidentalism: Images of the WestOccidentalism: Images of the WestOccidentalism: The World Turned Upside-downOccidentalism : modernity and subjectivity | ClcOccidentalism: The Historical Fantasy of the ModernOrientalism, Occidentalism and the Control of WomenORIENTALISM, OCCIDENTALISM AND THE SOCIOLOGY OF CRIMEBeyond Occidentalism: Toward Nonimperial Geohistorical CategoriesBeyond occidentalism: toward nonimperial geohistorical categories Cultural Anthropology 11:1 Pp51-87Transmission of tomato spotted wilt virus by Frankliniella occidentalism median acquisition and inoculation access period