obtuseness英 [əb'tju:snəs] 美 [əb'tjusnəs]
obtuseness[ əb'tju:snis ]
- n.
- the quality of being slow to understand
- the quality of lacking a sharp edge or point
Oval ObtusenessOBTUSENESS OR ANIMUS ?Study in ObtusenessMORAL OBTUSENESS IN AMERICAReal and feigned obtuseness in The book of the DuchessAscendent Obtuseness and Aesthetic Perception in The House of MirthIgnorant By Design: American Mass Media as Agents of Obtuseness(Mis)understanding and Obtuseness: “Ethnolinguistic Borders” in a Miniscule Speech CommunityErrors & Omissions: There's Bewilderment, and Then There's ObtusenessRead It and Yawn.(research paper on why people yawn wins J. Alfred Prufrock Obtuseness Award)