obstruct from英 [əbˈstrʌkt frɔm] 美 [əbˈstrʌkt frʌm]
Current ProjectsFluid treatment systemThe Reaction of the Liver to Small Doses of Vitamin K as a Liver Function Test[Prostate brachytherapy: indications and outcomes].Relief of pressure damping during coronary angioplasty: a device for creating side holes in PTCA guiding cathetersFluid control systemCopulation patterns in the golden orb-web spider Nephila madagascariensisSyria and US Move Closer in Wake of Mideast AccordThe use of the 12 minute walking test in assessing the effect of oral steroid therapy in patients with chronic airways obstruction.Intratesticular Doppler flow, seminal plasma nitrites/nitrates, and nonobstructive sperm extraction from patients with obstructive a...