obstipation英 [ˌɒbstɪ'peɪʃən] 美 [ˌɒbstə'peɪʃən]
obstipation[ ,ɔbsti'peiʃən ]
- n.severe constipation resulting from an obstruction in the intestines
ObstipationObstipationObstipationPelvic osteotomy as a treatment for obstipation in cats with acquired stenosis of the pelvic canal: six cases (1978-1989).Pelvic-floor therapy and toilet training in young children with dysfunctional voiding and obstipation.Diagnosis and management in children with severe and protracted constipation and obstipation **Chirurgische Therapie der chronischen ObstipationThe atonic baggy rectum: a cause of intractable obstipation after imperforate anus repair.Aufhebung einer Morphin- induzierten Obstipation durch orales NaloxonOrales Papaverin reduziert die morphinbedingte Obstipation ohne Abschwächung der Analgesie nach oralem MorphinSubtotal colectomy for the treatment of obstipation secondary to pelvic fracture malunion in catsRetardiert freigesetztes Naloxon oral: Aufhebung der Obstipation durch orales Morphin ohne Beseitigung der AnalgesieObstipation as a paraneoplastic presentation of small cell lung cancer: case report and literature review.