obsolescence英 [ˌɒbsəˈlesns] 美 [ˌɑbsəˈlesns]
obsolescence[ ,ɔbsəu'lesəns ]
Aging, Obsolescence, and Organizational InnovationAn Economic Theory of Planned ObsolescenceAN ECONOMIC THEORY OF PLANNED OBSOLESCENCE.Thymic involution with ageing: obsolescence or good housekeeping?The rate of obsolescence of patents, research gestation lags, and the private rate of return to research resourcesThe Rate of Obsolescence of Knowledge, Research Gestation Labs, and the Private Rate of Return to Research ResourcesCounterpoint: Vancomycin and Staphylococcus aureus--an antibiotic enters obsolescencePerformance Analysis of Dynamic Finite Versioning Schemes: Storage Cost vs. ObsolescenceRetreat from Doomsday: The Obsolescence of Major War. By John Mueller. (New York: Basic, 1989. viii + 327 pp. $20.95.) and War: Ends...Firm Strategy and Age Dependence: A Contingent View of the Liabilities of Newness, Adolescence, and Obsolescence