ObsequyTannic Acid and the Treatment of Burns: An ObsequyZozo's Obsequy Non-SequitorThe epicede and obsequyTANNIC ACID AND THE TREATMENT OF BURNS: AN OBSEQUY* RoY D. MCCLURE, M.D., CORAD R. L M.D., AND“A Clock So True”: The Chronometry of Virtue in Donne's “Obsequyes vpon the Lord Harrington”“A Clock So True”: The Chronometry of Virtue in Donne's “Obsequyes vpon the Lord Harrington”Studies by thoracic duct drainage of the functions and potentialities of the lymphocyte.The General Education Component in Vocational Technical Programs Debate: From a Community College Perspective.The Rise of Toronto, 1850–1890 by D. C. Masters (review)