obscurant英 [ɒb'skjʊərənt] 美 [əb'skjʊrənt]
Obscurant representation for realistic IR simulation
Atmospheric obscurant penetrating target observation system with range gating
Infrared decoy and obscurant modelling and simulation for ship protection
Self Contained Non Toxic Obscurant Grenade And Self-Contained Aerosol Dispersing Grenade
Modeling Fog Oil Obscurant Smoke Penetration Into Simulated Tortoise Barrows and Bat Colony Trees
Lidar extinction methods applied to observations of obscurant events
Characterization of the OPAL obscurant penetrating LiDAR in various degraded visual environments
Inhalation toxicology of diesel fuel obscurant aerosol in Sprague-Dawley rats. Final report, Phase 3, subchronic exposures
Toxicological effects of military fog oil obscurant on Daphnia magna and Ceriodaphnia dubia in field and laboratory exposures
Inhalation toxicology of diesel-fuel obscurant aerosol in Sprague-Dawley rats. Chemical characterization and toxicological evaluatio...