oblatory英 [əb'leɪtərɪ] 美 [əb'leɪtərɪ]
The oblatory perturbations of satellite orbits.Soma's metamorphoses (the identifications in the oblatory rites of tapatha-Brāhmana 12, 6, 1)Bringing the Gods to Mind: Mantra and Ritual in Early Indian SacrificeThe Idea of Repentance in Four Contemporary Daoist Liturgical Texts on the Rituals for Feeding and Sublimating GhostsŚulbasūtrasŚulbasūtrasJabali - Freethinker Par ExcellenceA Good Death: The State Of Slaughter In Our CommunityImmaterial Traditions: Evolving Values in the Practice & Preservation of Bhutanese CalligraphyRobust Signal Processing in Cardiac Signals: Applications in Heart Rate Variability, Heart Rate Turbulence and Fibrillatory Arrhythm...