oblate1['ɔbleit; ɔb'leit]
Behavior of oblately deformed droplets in an immiscible dielectric liquid under a steady and uniform electric fieldMolecular states in the equator-equator orientation of two oblately deformed 12C nucleiOblately shaped hair ornament storage ringStreaming instability at the equator of an oblately deformed dropOblately deformed isomeric proton-emitting state in 151LuOblately deformed isomeric proton-emitting state in Lu 151Comparative Study of Octupole Excitations on Superdeformed States in 32S, 36S, 40Ca and 50STwo-phase electrohydrodynamic simulations using a volume-of-fluid approachObservable Properties of Orbits in Exact Bumpy SpacetimesThermocapillary migration of droplets: An exact solution for small marangoni numbers