obiter dictum英 [ˈɔbitə ˈdɪktəm] 美 [ˈobɪtə ˈdɪktəm]
obiter dictum
- n.
- an incidental remark
同义词:passing comment
- an opinion voiced by a judge on a point of law not directly bearing on the case in question and therefore not binding
Obiter dictumObiter DictumObiter DictumRatio DecidendiLettersMinority shareholder protectionGermany: The importance of governancePhilippines: Foreign equity restrictionsPhilippines: Foreign equity ownership decisionA balancing actPrudent managementOn the obiter Dictum in JudgmentUn discutibile obiter dictum delle sezioni unite : nell’opposizione a decreto ingiuntivo il termine di costituzione è sempre dimid...