obiter dictum,obiter dictum,obiter dictum是什么意思,obiter dictum怎么读,obiter dictum的用法
2025-03-23 10:01:07
obiter dictum
英 [ˈɔbitə ˈdɪktəm] 美 [ˈobɪtə ˈdɪktəm]
  • n.


  • 英英释义

    obiter dictum

    • n.
      • an incidental remark

        同义词:passing comment

      • an opinion voiced by a judge on a point of law not directly bearing on the case in question and therefore not binding



    Obiter dictum
    Obiter Dictum
    Obiter Dictum
    Ratio Decidendi
    Minority shareholder protection
    Germany: The importance of governance
    Philippines: Foreign equity restrictions
    Philippines: Foreign equity ownership decision
    A balancing act
    Prudent management
    On the obiter Dictum in Judgment
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    put someone on ... put someone on to英 [put ˈsʌmwʌn ɔn tu:] 美 [pʊt ˈsʌ...
    put someone's h... put someone's hands on
    put something a... put something away英 [put ˈsʌmθiŋ əˈwei] 美 [pʊt ˈsʌ...
    put something b... put something back英 [put ˈsʌmθiŋ bæk] 美 [pʊt ˈsʌmθ...
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    put something d... put something down英 [put ˈsʌmθiŋ daun] 美 [pʊt ˈsʌm...
    put something o... put something on英 [put ˈsʌmθiŋ ɔn] 美 [pʊt ˈsʌmθɪŋ ...
    put something t... put something to good use
    put something o... put something out英 [put ˈsʌmθiŋ aut] 美 [pʊt ˈsʌmθɪ...
    put stress on,p... put stress on
    put the axe in ... put the axe in the helve英 [put ðə æks in ðə helv] ...
    put the kibosh ... put the kibosh on英 [put ðə ˈkaibɔʃ ɔn] 美 [pʊt ði ˈ...
    put the cart be... put the cart before the horse英 [put ðə kɑ:t biˈfɔ:...
    put theory into... put theory into practice
    put the screw o... put the screw on ...
    put to rout,put... put to rout英 [put tu: raʊt] 美 [pʊt tu raʊt] ...