2025-03-23 10:40:09
  • v.

    使模糊,使混乱( obfuscate的现在分词 );使糊涂;

  • 英英释义

    obfuscate[ ɔb'fʌskeit, 'ɔbfʌskeit ]

    • v.make obscure or unclear


    1. This message might appear if you obfuscate the solution code.
    2. He delighted in his ability to obfuscate.
    3. The writer often obfuscates the real issues with petty details.


    On obfuscating point functions
    On obfuscating point functions
    Securely Obfuscating Re-encryption
    Securely Obfuscating Re-encryption
    Securely Obfuscating Re-Encryption
    Obfuscating Point Functions with Multibit Output
    A taxonomy of obfuscating transformations
    On the (Im)possibility of Obfuscating Programs
    On the (Im)possibility of Obfuscating Programs
    Vaikuntanathan: Securely Obfuscating Re-encryption



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    put something o... put something on英 [put ˈsʌmθiŋ ɔn] 美 [pʊt ˈsʌmθɪŋ ...
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    put something o... put something out英 [put ˈsʌmθiŋ aut] 美 [pʊt ˈsʌmθɪ...
    put stress on,p... put stress on
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    put theory into... put theory into practice
    put the screw o... put the screw on ...
    put to rout,put... put to rout英 [put tu: raʊt] 美 [pʊt tu raʊt] ...