obelize英 ['ɒbɪlaɪz] 美 ['ɒbəlˌaɪz]
The Obelized Amicē: Horace, Carm. 3. 2. 1The Obelized : Horace, . 3. 2. 1Three new Ostreopsis species (Dinophyceae): O-marinus sp nov., O-belizeanus sp nov., and O-carribeanus sp novHorace, Pindar and the Censorini in Odes 4.8Marble and the Sea or Echo Emerging (A Ricercar)New Advent Encyclopedia article on Library of AlexandriaApollodorus of Damascus and the PoliorceticaPlutarch, Hesiod, and the Mouseia of ThespiaiNotes on Valerius Maximus and Vellerns PaterculusAn indicator-based adaptive management framework and its development for data-limited fisheries in Belize