2025-03-23 13:00:24
英 [əʊˈbeɪsns] 美 [oʊˈbisns]
  • n.


  • 变形



    obeisance[ əu'beisəns, -'bi:- ]

    • n.
      • bending the head or body or knee as a sign of reverence or submission or shame


      • the act of obeying; dutiful or submissive behavior with respect to another person



    1. He made obeisance to the king.
    2. He made a deep obeisance to the queen.
    3. They made obeisance to the sultan.
    4. Every one is requested to pay obeisance to principles here.
      要求这里的每个人都尊重原则 。


    Obeisance in the biblical stories of David
    Status Obeisance and Pupil Control Ideology
    Obeisance and Achievement of Emotional Factors in Industrial Design
    Memeroial du Camp de Rivesaltes: Obeisance to the victims
    The Iconoclasm of Obeisance: Protestant Images of Chinese Religion and the Catholic Church
    The Citizen's Subject Spirits of Obeisance to Law in the Construction of Harmonious Society
    Toward a Cautious Approach to Obeisance: The Role of Scholarship in Federal Circuit Patent Law Jurisprudence
    Water Law Reform in Alberta: Paying Obeisance to the "Lords of Yesterday", or Creating a Water Charter for the Future?
    Young and Dangerous(ly Traditional): Reading Guangong and the Act of Obeisance in Hong Kong Films since 1986
    The Struggle Over Freedom of Speech in the North The Finnish Press Gave Obeisance to Moscow, but did not Succumb to the Kremlin's Pr...



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