pyroborate英 [paɪrə'bɔ:reɪt] 美 [paɪrə'bɔreɪt]
Calcium pyroborate as a microbicide for plasticsCalcium pyroborate and plastic for microbiocidesThe crystal structure of magnesium pyroborateThe crystal structure of magnesium pyroborate Formation of needle crystals of magnesium pyroborateA NEW REINFORCEING MATERIAL ——MAGNESIUM PYROBORATE WHISKERCrystal and Electronic Structures and Linear Optics of Strontium PyroborateChemInform Abstract: Structure of Strontium Lithium Indium Pyroborate, Sr2LiInB4O10.Synthesis, Structure, and Properties of the Noncentrosymmetric Pyroborate BaCuB 2 O 5Synthesis, structure, and properties of the noncentrosymmetric pyroborate BaCuB{sub 2}O{sub 5}