pyramidion英 [pɪrə'mɪdɪɒn] 美 [pɪrə'mɪdɪɒn]
- Main hall of the [[Egyptian Museum, showing four black granite pyramidia.]]
Note on the Pyramidion Found at DahshurA Building of the New Kingdom Found at Dahshur-north, 10 : A Pyramidion of the Tomb-chapel of PashedwSpigolature romane e romanesche. Roma, Bulzoni 1967. 394 S.["Pyramidion", 2]. RcWas the Corner-Stone of Scripture a Pyramidion?The Windflowers Trilogy Box Set (Book 1 - Ferrasium, Book 2 - Golden Scarab, Book 3 - Pyramidion).Pyramidion, Book 3 of The Windflowers TrilogyMobile Application Development Company in DubaiDie harmonischen Abmessungen aller Pyramidions sind jetzt gefunden! Ein Erlebnisbericht für Rainer Stadelmann, Jan Assmann und sein...The hierarchy of the evidence-based medicine pyramid: classification beyond rankingPyramid of Khendjer