pygmoid英 ['pɪgmɔɪd] 美 ['pɪgmɔɪd]
Pygmoid Australomelanesian Homo sapiens skeletal remains from Liang Bua, Flores: Population affinities and pathological abnormalitiesHomo floresiensis : Microcephalic, pygmoid, Australopithecus , or Homo ?Heat tolerance of Bantu and Pygmoid groups of the Zaire River Basin.Work capacity and body morphology of Bantu and pygmoid groups of Western Zaire2006 Pygmoid AustralomelanesianCHANGEMENTS SOCIO-ECONOMIQUES ET DEGRADATION CULTURELLE CHEZ LES PYGMOIDES BA-TWA DU BURUNDIDie Twiden : Pygmäen und Pygmoide im tropischen AfrikaPygmodispus (Allodispus) pavidus n.sp. (Acari, Tarsonemina, Scutacaridae), eine neue terrestrische Milbenart aus dem Stadtzentrum vo...Pygmies and Pygmoids: Twides of Tropical AfricaPygmodispus (Pygmodispus) paraequestris spec. nov. (Acari: Heterostigmata: Scutacaridae) from Turkmenistan