pygmean英 [pɪg'mi:ən] 美 [pɪg'miən]
First record in Chile of dicyemids in the pygmean octopus Robsonella fontaniana (Cephalopoda: Octopodidae)[Treponemal serology in a Bi-Aka pygmy population of Central Africa]MICRO-STATES[Central representation of the anterior lateral line nerve in dwarf catfish]The pleckstrin homology domain of Bruton tyrosine kinase interacts with protein kinase CCytochrome b nucleotide sequences and the identification of five primary lineages of extant cetaceans.Identification of a forebrain motor programming network for the learned song of zebra finchesThe predominant cultivable flora of tooth surface plaque removed from institutionalized subjectsGood genes and old age: Do old mates provide superior genes?Processing of willow leaves in two suburban streams in Chrisrtchurch, New Zealand