pygmaean英 [pɪg'mi:ən] 美 [pɪg'miən]
Constant elevation of southern Tibet over the past 15 million years.Induction of nuclear anomalies (micronuclei) in the peripheral blood erythrocytes of the eastern mudminnow Umbra pygmaea by ethyl m...Phylogeny of Ultra-Rapidly Evolving Dinoflagellate Chloroplast Genes: A Possible Common Origin for Sporozoan and Dinoflagellate Plas...Disruption of a Plant‐Lizard Seed Dispersal System and Its Ecological Effects on a Threatened Endemic Plant in the Balearic IslandsCytogenetic effects on the eastern mudminnow, Umbra pygmaea , exposed to ethyl methanesulfonate, benzo[ a ]pyrene, and river waterUpstream Movements of the Benthic Invertebrates in the Speed River, On...Methoxylated flavonoids from ArtemisiaA whole-basin diatom accumulation rate for a small eutrophic lake in Northern Ireland and its palaeoecological implicationsDiapause in the Nymphs of Canadian Winter StonefliesBioactive compounds and biological activities of Jatropha curcas L. kernel meal extract