pyelitis英 [ˌpaɪə'laɪtɪs] 美 [ˌpaɪə'laɪtɪs]
pyelitis[ ,paii'laitis ]
- n.inflammation of the renal pelvis
PyelitisPyelitisEncrusted cystitis and pyelitis.Encrusted cystitis and pyelitis.PYELITIS, AN IMPORTANT FACTOR IN THE PATHOGENESIS OF RETROGRADE PYELONEPHRITISEmphysematous cystitis and pyelitis in a diabetic renal transplant recipientImaging analysis of encrusted cystitis and pyelitis in renal transplantation.Successful treatment of encrusted pyelitis in a renal transplant with local acidification and surgical ileocaliceal anastomosis.Spectrum of gas within the kidney. Emphysematous pyelonephritis and emphysematous pyelitisAlkaline-encrusted pyelitis/cystitis and urinary tract infection due to corynebacterium urealyticum: a new severe complication after...