puttier英 ['pʌtɪə] 美 ['pʌtɪr]
COA adaptation during the high school years as a function of early behavioral risk and family adversity654 TEMPORAL RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN ACCUMULATION OF METHOTREXATE POLYSLUTAMATES AND PROLONGED INHIBITION OF DNA SYNTHESISLa Profesión Odontológica ante Ia Presencia de la Infection VIH / SIDA: El Caso de Costa RicaChildhood peer rejection: Relationships to adolescent girls' peers network and early indicators of AUDInhibition of methotrexate polyglutamate accumulation in cultured human cellsEarly Cardiac Abnormalities in Obese Children: Importance of Obesity Per Se Versus Associated Cardiovascular Risk FactorsTobacco smoke exposure of pregnant mothers and blood pressure in their newborns: results from the wheezing illnesses study Leidsche ...Reduced neonatal lung function and wheezing illnesses during the first 5 years of life.Mesenteric panniculitis: prevalence, clinicoradiological presentation and 5-year follow-upStructural abnormalities and persistent complaints after an ankle sprain are not associated: an observational case control study in ...