purpurate英 ['pɜ:pjʊreɪt] 美 ['pɜpjʊreɪt]
- v.color purple
Thermophysical Properties of Ammonium Purpurate “Murexide” C8H4O6N5 · NH4Calcium signals recorded from two new purpurate indicators inside frog cut twitch fibersCrystallographic Evidence for a Symmetrical Structure for the Purpurate IonSYNTHESIS OF PURPURATE-1,1â²-DIACETIC ACID (PDAA) TRIPOTASSIUM SALT. A NEW CALCIUM INDICATOR FOR BIOLOGICAL APPLICATIONSStructure and spectra of murexide and of alkali purpurates: Crystal structure of lithium purpurate dihydrateTHE SPECTROPHOTOMETRIC DETERMINATION OF STRONTIUM WITH MUREXIDE (AMMONIUM PURPURATE)Myoplasmic calcium transients monitored with purpurate indicator dyes injected into intact frog skeletal muscle fibers.ChemInform Abstract: STRUCTURAL STUDIES IN METAL-PURPURATE COMPLEXES. PART 9. CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF F BIS(PURPURATO)COPPER(II) OCTAHY...Colorimetric determination of scandium, yttrium, and lanthanum with ammonium purpurate as a chromogenic reagentElectrical and thermal investigations of the phase transitions in ammonium purpurate “murexide” C 8 H 4 O 6 N 5 · HN 4