v.偷窃( purloin的现在分词 );
purloin[ pə:'lɔin ]
The Purloining CriticPurloining Tiny (Book Review)Purloining Freud: Dora's Letter to PosterityPurloining of an Agenda, Or, A Spectre is Haunting John CluteThe Problem of Purloining in Walker Percy's 'Lancelot'The Purloining Critic: Adaptation, Criticism, and the Claim to MeaningThe Purloining Critic: Adaptation, Criticism, and the Claim to MeaningTime banditry: Examining the purloining of time in organizationsThe purloining of Paula.(Paula Zahn fired by Fox News and moves to CNN; Fox files suit against N.S. Bienstock)(Brief Article)Birdnapped! Seized and Sent into Exile, the Matey Magpie Who Stole the Villagers' Hearts (but Paid the Price for Purloining 2p)