purlieu英 ['pɜ:lju:] 美 [ˈpɚlju, ˈpɚlu]
purlieu[ 'pə:lju: ]
- n.an outer adjacent area of any place
PurlieuPurlieuPurlieuThe Evolution of Chinese Graves at Burnaby's Ocean View Cemetery: From Stigmatized Purlieu to Political Adaptations and Cultural Ide...The Purlieu Men and the Ancient ConstitutionL'informatique dans les administrations purlieu's et para-publiques quebecoisesThe second purlieu; a collection of stories and a play,Survey and Historical Investigation of the Purlieu Bank and other historic forest boundaries in the Epping areaHythe and Dibden Parish CouncilStag’s ReprieveFringe Benefits: Rosalind and the Purlieux of the ForestGaskissen-Tragvorrichtung fuer streifenfoermiges MaterialVerfahren zur Verminderung des Molekulargewichts von Polybutadien