purgatorial英 [ˌpɜ:gə'tɔ:rɪəl] 美 [ˌpɜgə'toʊrɪrl]
purgatorial[ ,pə:ɡə'tɔ:riəl ]
- adj.
- serving to purge or rid of sin
"purgatorial rites"
- of or resembling purgatory
"purgatorial fires"
PurgatorialPurgatorial time in hospitalsPurgatorial time in hospitalsCoetzee's Purgatorial Africa: The Case Of DisgraceChristina Rossetti's purgatorial poeticsPurgatorial Passions: “The Ghost” (aka Wilfred Owen) in Owen’s PoetryPurgatorial Passions: “The Ghost” (aka Wilfred Owen) in Owen’s PoetryThe purgatorial shadows of war: Accounting, blame and shell shock pensions 1914-1923HISTORY AND THE INSCRIPTIONS OF TORTURE AS PURGATORIAL FIRE IN ANDRÉ BRINK'S FICTIONFrom the Grotesque to the Sublime: "Logos"and the Purgatorial Landscape of "Dead Souls"and "Master and Margarita"