2025-03-25 15:40:41
英 [ˈpjʊərɪst] 美 [ˈpjʊr]
  • adj.

    纯的( pure的最高级 );单纯的;纯真的;干净的

  • 双语释义

    1. 纯的,纯净的,纯粹的 not mixed with any other substance
    2. 血统纯的,纯种的 of unmixed origin or race
    3. 无邪的,清白的,有操守的,贞洁的 without evil or sin, especially sexual sin; virtuous, chaste
    4. [A]单纯的,仅仅的,完全的 nothing but; mere or sheer
    5. 纯音的,纯正的,清晰的 clear and unwavering
    6. [A]纯理论的,非实用的 dealing with or studied for the sake of theory only; without practical application


    用作形容词 (adj.)~+名词
    • pure accident纯属意外事故
    • pure air纯净的空气
    • pure blue纯蓝
    • pure chance纯属偶然
    • pure coincidence纯属偶然
    • pure drinking water纯净水
    • pure English纯正的英语
    • pure girl纯洁的女孩
    • pure gold纯金
    • pure Indian纯种印第安人
    • pure invention纯属捏造
    • pure luck纯属偶然
    • pure nonsense十足的胡说八道
    • pure oxygen纯氧
    • pure research纯理论研究
    • pure science理论科学
    • pure silver纯银
    • pure wool纯羊毛
    • absolutely pure绝对纯洁
    • pure from没有…的
    • a heart pure from evil善良的心
    • pure in heart心灵纯洁
    • pure of没有…的
    • pure of evil毫无杂念
    • pure of heart心灵纯洁


    1. Water can be made pure by distilling it.
    2. They are all made of one-hundred percent pure silk.
    3. Life is a sweet thing for one who has a pure conscience.
    4. The look from her eye is still so pure, like a dustless crystal.
    5. It's pure nonsense.
    6. They met each other by pure accident.


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