v.(将菜、水果等)煮成浓汤,面包的一种( puree的过去式和过去分词 );
Nutritional considerations for the pureed diet texture in dysphagic elderly.Process of freezing fresh pureed fruits, vegetables and meats to produce a healthy frozen baby food productNutrient Intake of Nursing-Home Residents Receiving Pureed Foods or a Regular DietA nursing home outbreak of Clostridium perfringens associated with pureed foodThe risk of aspiration of pureed food as determined by flexible endoscopic evaluation of swallowing with sensory testingQuality changes in frozen and thawed, cooked pureed vegetables containing hydrocolloids, gums and dairy powders.Supplementing lactating women with pureed papaya and grated carrots improved vitamin A status in a placebo-controlled trialEFFECTS OF PROCESSING ON THE DIETARY FIBER CONTENT OF WHEAT BRAN, PUREED GREEN BEANS, AND CARROTSReady to eat food formulation containing yogurt and pureed cooked vegetables and process for manufacture thereofThe Effect of ad libitum Consumption of Mixed Meals with Added Pureed Navy Beans and Yellow Peas on Satiation, Satiety, and Short-Te...