Purcell英 [ˈpə:sl] 美 [pɚˈsɛl]
释义珀塞尔(姓氏; Edward Mills, 1912-,美国物理学家,曾获1952年诺贝尔物理学奖);
Purcell[ 'pə:sl ]
- n.English organist at Westminster Abbey and composer of many theatrical pieces (1659-1695)
同义词:Henry Purcell
Purcell, Haydn and MendelssohnPurcell: 'Serenading Songs & Grounds'Iterative carr-purcell trainsNew, Compensated Carr-Purcell SequencesSmith-Purcell radiation in the “pre-wave” zonePurcell-enhanced single-photon emission from an atom in a fiber-based cavityStrong Purcell effect on a neutral atom trapped in an open fiber cavitySpontaneous emission extraction and Purcell enhancement fromthin-film 2-D photonic crystalsThe hepatitis delta virus. Edited by J.L. Gerin, R.H. Purcell and M. Rizzetto, 481 pp. New York: Wiley㎜iss, Inc, 1991. $125.00Gerard, J. M. & Gayral, B. Strong Purcell effect for InAs quantum boxes in three-dimensional solid-state microcavities. J. Lightwave...