pumpernickel英 [ˈpʌmpənɪkl] 美 [ˈpʌmpərnɪkl]
pumpernickel[ 'pʌmpənikəl ]
- n.bread made of coarse rye flour
同义词:black bread
PumpernickelPumpernickelPUMPERNICKELThe Merriam-Webster Online DictionarySTREET TALKLow glycemic response to traditionally processed wheat and rye products: bulgur and pumpernickel bread.Niacin Intoxication from Pumpernickel Bagels — New YorkBuried Piedmont faults at Pumpernickel Valley, NevadaThe structural setting of the Pumpernickel Valley geothermal systemPumpernickel soll zum Kulturb(r)otschafter werdenWeihrauch und PumpernickelRecovery Act. Sub-Soil Gas and Fluid Inclusion Exploration and Slim Well Drilling, Pumpernickel Valley, NevadaSelina, Pumpernickel und die Katze Flora