Pseudogout英 [s'ju:dəʊɡaʊt] 美 [s'judoʊɡaʊt]
Pseudogout.PseudogoutPseudogoutSuccessful treatment of resistant pseudogout with anakinraTophaceous pseudogout (tumoral calcium pyrophosphate dihydrate crystal deposition disease).Crystal shedding and acute pseudogout. An hypothesis based on a therapeutic failureUltrastructural findings in chondrocalcinosis and pseudogout.Clinical and roentgenographic aspects of pseudogout: a study of 50 cases and a review.Sclerochoroidal calcification in calcium pyrophosphate dihydrate deposition disease (pseudogout)Elevated inorganic pyrophosphate concentrations in synovial fluids in osteoarthritis and pseudogout.Clinical, radiographic and pathologic abnormalities in calcium pyrophosphate dihydrate deposition disease (CPPD): pseudogoutThe Significance of Calcium Phosphate Crystals in the Synovial Fluid of Arthritic Patients: The Pseudogout Syndrome: II. Identificat...Synovial membrane histopathology in the differential diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis, gout, pseudogout, systemic lupus erythematos...