- Pseudodementia is a phenotype approximated by a wide variety of underlying disorders (1). Data indicate that some of the disorders that can convert to a pseudodementia-like presentation include depression, schizophrenia, mania, dissociative disorders, Ganser syndrome, conversion reaction, and psychoactive drugs (2).
Pseudo-dementiaPseudodementia.Pseudodementia.Studying the 'Grammar of Psychotherapy' Course using a student and control population. Some results,...Hereditary multi infarct dementiaDementia words matter: Guidelines on language about dementiaPseudodementia. Current concepts and future directions.Structural brain CT changes and cognitive deficits in elderly depressives with and without reversible dementia ('pseudodementia').Long-term follow-up of depressive pseudodementia of the aged.Severe depressive pseudodementia with and without dementia.Bedside differentiation of depressive pseudodementia from dementiaCognitive impairment and major depression: Beyond the pseudodementia syndrome.Some aspects of memory disorders clearly distinguish dementia of the Alzheimer's type from depressive pseudo-dementia.