give-up英 美
- v.
- lose or lose the right to by some error, offense, or crime
同义词:forfeitgive upthrow overboardwaiveforgo
- give up with the intent of never claiming again
同义词:abandongive up
- give up in the face of defeat of lacking hope; admit defeat
同义词:drop outgive upfall by the waysidedrop by the waysidethrow inthrow in the towelquitchuck up the sponge
- put an end to a state or an activity
同义词:discontinuestopceasegive upquitlay off
- give up what is not strictly needed
同义词:sparegive uppart withdispense with
- part with a possession or right
同义词:releaserelinquishresignfreegive up
- leave (a job, post, or position) voluntarily
同义词:vacateresignrenouncegive up
- relinquish possession or control over
同义词:surrendercededelivergive up
- give up or agree to forgo to the power or possession of another
同义词:surrendergive up
- stop maintaining or insisting on; of ideas or claims
同义词:abandongive up
- allow the other (baseball) team to score
同义词:give upallow
- refrain from consuming
同义词:forgogive up
1.Afteraboutaweek,Iwasreadytogiveup.大约一星期之后,我终于打算放弃了。www.kfyes.com2.Unlesseveryonecangiveupa littlefreedomofhisown,otherwisenoonecanget alongwellwithothers.除非人人都放弃自己的一点自由,否则谁也无法和别人愉快地相处。www.i4na.com3.However,hedidnotgiveup,Isstill out to seafishing.但是,他没有放弃,仍然出海捕鱼。 that you andIareNOTpreparedtogiveup in the marriage?我们是不是喜欢或者痴迷某些东西,即使为了婚姻,也不愿意放弃它们呢?www.citike.com5.InRedbook'sAprilissue,Brandsaidhe had been more than happytogiveup his partying ways to settledown.在八月份给锐步拍广告时,布兰说他很高兴能够结束浪子的生涯,安定下来。gb.cri.cn6.Despiteallmyeffortstopersuadehimtogiveupsmoking,henever made up his mind.虽然我尽力劝他别抽烟了,他还是下不了决心。 the stampede has passed,someonewillgiveupatap on the shouldertoletyouknowyoucan get up in safety.当混乱情况过去时,有人会拍拍你的肩让你知道你可以安全地起来了。blog.roodo.com8.You get a passing grade on the testifthehackersgiveupandmove on to aneasiertarget whose grasp oftheseconceptsisinsufficient.如果那些黑客放弃了攻击或者转向其他更容易攻击的对象,那么你就通过了考试。php.phpx.com9."Wehadworkedsohard and long that wewerereadytogiveupandfindanothersite,"Schustersaidinapress release.“我们费尽了力气,已经准备着换个地方了,”舒斯特在一篇新闻稿中说道。10.Misseditthisway,evengiveupnomatterhowmuch, In this way, a way withlonelymissyou.就这样错过吧,哪怕有再多的不舍,就这样,用寂寞的方式,错过吧。
Reef response to sea level rise : Keep-up, Catch-up or Give-up.Reef response to sea level rise : Keep-up, catch-up or give-up.Evolution of an incised valley coastal plain estuary under low sediment supply: a ‘give‐up’ estuaryThe give-up problem for blocked regional lists with multi-winners.Sign-Up or Give-Up: Exploring User Drop-Out in Web Service Registration ABSTRACTJuristic Analysis on the Give-up Choice of the Farmers on the Contractual Farmland Use RightPrescription of smoking give-up chewing gum and its processing technologyThe Money-Whipped Steer-Job Three-Jack Give-Up Artist: A NovelStart-up, catch-up, keep-up, give-up stages in deep-water coral banksNever-Give-Up Carries Pitcher