2025-01-11 07:20:43

  • abbr.

    killer karate 空手道;

  • 英英释义


    • KK (born Kevin Kerrigan, 1 December 1975) is a British composer, record producer and sound designer, best known for his work as a composer and music producer in the field of contemporary / pop music. His past work includes collaborations with Brian Eno, Björk, James, Dido, Natalie Imbruglia and Mediaeval Baebes.



    Characterization of new oral antidiabetic agent CS-045. Studies in KK and ob/ob mice and Zucker fatty rats
    Ong KK, Ahmed ML, Emmett PM, Preece MA & Dunger DB: Association between postnatal catch-up growth and obesity in childhood: prospect...
    Ang KK, Berkey BA, Tu X, Zhang HZ, Katz R, Hammond EH, Fu KK, Milas LImpact of epidermal growth factor receptor expression on surviv...
    Activated Ductal Proliferation Induced by N-Nitrosobis (2-oxopropyl)amine in Fat-infiltrated Pancreas of KK-Ay Mice
    Effects of clopidogrel in addition to aspirin in patients with acute coronary syndromes without ST-segment elevation.
    Most mammalian mRNAs are conserved targets of microRNAs
    MicroRNA Targeting Specificity in Mammals: Determinants beyond Seed Pairing
    Optimal medical therapy with or without PCI for stable coronary disease.
    Effects of long-term treatment with angiotensin-converting-enzyme inhibitors in the presence or absence of aspirin: a systematic rev...
    Dynamic magnetic resonance imaging of human brain activity during primary sensory stimulation.



    necessary,neces... necessary英 [ˈnesəsəri] 美 [ˈnesəseri] ...
    necessary condi... necessary condition英 [ˈnesisəri kənˈdiʃən] 美 [ˈnɛs...
    necessarily,nec... necessarily英 [ˌnesəˈserəli] 美 [ˌnɛsɪˈsɛrəli, -ˈsɛr...
    necessitarianis... necessitarianism英 [nɪˌsesɪ'teərɪənɪzəm] 美 [nəˌsesə...
    necessitarian,n... necessitarian英 [nɪˌsesɪ'teərɪən] 美 [nəˌsesə'terɪrn...
    necessitate,nec... necessitate英 [nəˈsesɪteɪt] 美 [nəˈsɛsɪˌtet] ...
    necessitated,ne... necessitated[niˈsesiteitid] ...
    necessitates,ne... necessitates[niˈsesiteits] ...
    necessitating,n... necessitating英 [nɪ'sesɪteɪtɪŋ] 美 [nɪ'sesɪteɪtɪŋ] ...
    necessities,nec... necessities英 [nɪ'sesɪtɪz] 美 [nɪ'sesɪtɪz] ...
    necessity,neces... necessity英 [nəˈsesəti] 美 [nəˈsɛsɪti] ...
    neck,neck,neck是... neck英 [nek] 美 [nɛk] ...
    Necho,Necho,Nec... Necho ...
    necessitous,nec... necessitous英 [nɪ'sesɪtəs] 美 [nəˈsɛsɪtəs] ...
    Neche,Neche,Nec... Neche 释...
    neck brace,neck... neck brace英 [nek breis] 美 [nɛk bres] ...
    neck mass,neck ... neck mass
    neck and neck,n... neck and neck英 [nek ænd nek] 美 [nɛk ənd nɛk] ...
    neck of the woo... neck of the woods英 [nek ɔv ðə wudz] 美 [nɛk ʌv ði w...
    neck down,neck ... neck down英 [nek daun] 美 [nɛk daʊn] ...