kinetograph英 [kɪ'ni:təgrɑ:f] 美 [kɪ'nitəˌgrɑf]
KinetographKinetographKinetographPractical kinetography LabanLabanotation : or kinetography LabanAn Introduction to Kinetography Laban (Labanotation)Dictionary of kinetography Laban : labanotation (volume II Examples)A Dictionary of Kinetography Laban (Labanotation) by Albrecht Knust[Kinetographic assessment of the functional state of healthy humans (a pilot study)]Labanotation, or Kinetography Laban : the system of analyzing and recording movementLabanotation : or, Kinetography Laban : the system of analyzing and recording movement"A Dictionary of Kinetography Laban (Labanotation)", Albrecht Knust, Poznań 1997 : [recenzja] / Aleksandra Sawicka.Correlation of Quantitative Motor State Assessment Using a Kinetograph and Patient Diaries in Advanced PD: Data from an Observationa...