kinaesthesia[ ,kinis'θi:ziə, ,kai- ]
KinaesthesiaKinaesthesiaKinaesthesiaJoint receptors and kinaesthesia.Kinaesthesia and Instrumental Music Instruction: Some ImplicationsThe role of joint receptors in human kinaesthesia when intramuscular receptors cannot contributeDysfunction of the basal ganglia, but not the cerebellum, impairs kinaesthesiaTHE ROLE OF CUTANEOUS AFFERENTS IN POSITION SENSE, KINAESTHESIA, AND MOTOR FUNCTION OF THE HANDRespiratory sensations, cardiovascular control, kinaesthesia and transcranial stimulation during paralysis in humans.The contribution of muscle afferents to kinaesthesia shown by vibration induced illusions of movement and by the effects of paralysi...