keep body and soul together英 [ki:p ˈbɔdi ænd səul təˈɡeðə] 美 [kip ˈbɑdi ənd sol təˈɡɛðɚ]
[Nutrition and fluid management in palliative medicine: do food and drink keep body and soul together?]"Essen und Trinken hält Leib und Seele zusammen". ("Food and Drink Keep Body and Soul Together".)"Essen und Trinken hält Leib und Seele zusammen". ("Food and Drink Keep Body and Soul Together".)Trying to keep body and soul together"To Keep Body and Soul Together": Austin Clarke's "The Singing-Men at Cashel,"1936Survival with Style: In Trouble or in Fun .. How to Keep Body and Soul Together in the WildernessKeep body and soul together with a maintenance grantKeep Body and Soul Together; Observer's Got You Covered with Health SectionFood is one of the necessities of life. We need it to keep body and soul together. So what did Jesus have to say about maintaining a...A glimpse into the mind of a child to keep body and soul together