lug[ lʌɡ ]
- n.
- ancient Celtic god
- a sail with four corners that is hoisted from a yard that is oblique to the mast
- a projecting piece that is used to lift or support or turn something
- marine worms having a row of tufted gills along each side of the back; often used for fishing bait
- v.
lug boss突起部,凸起部
lifting lug吊耳
用作名词(n.)- The striker has a lug that interacts with the sear and is used to hold the striker in the cocked position.
用作及物动词(vt.)- I had to lug my bags up to the fourth floor.
我只得费劲地把我的几个包拖上五楼。 - At nine his father, a naturalist who had started a reptile park on the Queensland coast, taught him to stalk crocs at night and lug them out of the water.
在他九岁那年,他的父亲,一名自然学家,在昆士兰州海岸开设了一家爬虫类公园,教他在夜里追踪鳄鱼的踪迹,并将它们拖出水面。 - It is such a shame to use such a fine beast to lug salt.
QUICK CONNECT LUGGED COUPLINGSoil stress distribution under lugged tiresA "lugged"analysis of lung cancer risks in UK carbon black production workers, 1951-2004Slip ratio for lugged wheel of planetary rover in deformable soil: definition and estimationSlip ratio for lugged wheel of planetary rover in deformable soil: definition and estimationParametric analysis of lugged wheel performance for a lunar microrover by means of DEMAnalysis of bonding mechanisms of smooth and lugged FRP rods embedded in concreteCharacteristics of soil reactions of an open lugged wheel under paddy soil conditionsDistinct element simulation of lugged wheel performance under extraterrestrial environmental effectsSmooth action, spring loaded, twist locking, radial lugged safety connector for lamp