lower reaches,lower reaches,lower reaches是什么意思,lower reaches怎么读,lower reaches的用法
2025-01-17 01:40:16
lower reaches
[ˈləuə 'riːtʃiz]
  • 释义


  • 权威例句

    The Influence of Groundwater on Vegetation in the Lower Reaches of Tarim River,China
    The increasing damming of the Paraná basin and its effects on the lower reaches
    Os-Os dating of copper and molybdenum deposits along the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, China
    Plant communities and their interrelations with environmental factors in the lower reaches of Tarim River
    Approaches to Mechanisms and Control of Eutrophication of Shallow Lakes in the Middle and Lower Reaches of the Yangze River
    Advances on petrogensis and metallogeny study of the mineralization belt of the Middle and Lower Reaches of the Yangtze River area
    Research on nitrogen and phosphorus load of agricultural non-point sources in middle and lower reaches of Hanjiang River besed on GIS
    Phosphorus fractions and its release in the sediments from the shallow lakes in the middle and lower reaches of Yangtze River area i...
    Molybdenite Re-Os Precise Dating for Molybdenite from Cu-Au-Mo Deposits in the Middle-Lower Reaches of Yangtze River Belt and Its Im...
    Characteristics of organic phosphorus fractions in different trophic sediments of lakes from the middle and lower reaches of Yangtze...



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