- Londonderry (also called Derry) is a city in Northern Ireland.
City Visioning and the Turn to Community: The Case of Derry/LondonderryRecent Changes in the Coastal Geomorphology of the Magilligan Foreland, Co. LondonderryParallel cannulation technique at ERCP rendezvousModi®cation of the surface properties of a polypropylene (PP) ®lm using an air dielectric barrier discharge plasma Nai-Yi Cui*, No...High conductivity defroster using a high power treatementDiagnosed with Hepatitis C: a descriptive exploratory studyRolled-out Wordles: A Heuristic Method for Overlap Removal of 2D Data RepresentativesA cytochrome P450 2B6 meditated gene therapy strategy to enhance the effects of radiation or cyclophosphamide when combined with the...A genetic algorithm environment for star pattern recognitionThe challenges associated with providing community care for people with complex needs in rural areas: a qualitative investigation