logorrhea英 [ˌlɔ:gə'ri:ə] 美 [ˌlɔgə'riə]
logorrhea[ ,lɔɡəu'ri:ə, lɔ:ɡ- ]
- n.pathologically excessive (and often incoherent) talking
LogorrheaLogorrheaLogorrheaLogorrhea syndrome with hyperkinesiaDiscuss on the logorrhea of the national theoryLogorrhea or The Dangers of Unprotected Lex: Confessions of a Word JunkieCuring Computer Logorrhea (excessive wordiness) with Sisyphus and LogHound.Copia Verborum: Synonymy, Amplification, Lists, and LogorrheaOne hundred thousand US Dollars to battle scientific logorrhea.[Hemiballismus with logorrhea and thymo-affective disinhibition caused by hematoma of the left subthalamic nucleus]Levodopa‐Induced Nocturnal Stereotypies with Logorrhea in a Patient with Parkinson's DiseaseDiagnosis dan Tatalaksana Skizofrenia Hebefrenik Putus Obat dengan LogorrheaChronic ‘speech catatonia’ with constant logorrhea, verbigeration and echolalia successfully treated with lorazepam: a case report