用作名词(n.)- The logic of the network induces regionalism and localism.
网络逻辑促成了区域性和地方性。 - She said localism not standard English.
Localist Movements in a Global EconomyA Localist Critique of the New FederalismGENEFIS: Toward an Effective Localist NetworkConnectionist modelling in psychology: a localist manifestoLocalist Movements in a Global Economy: Sustainability, Justice, and Urban Development in the United StatesLocalist Movements in a Global Economy: Sustainability, Justice, and Urban Development in the United StatesNew directions in economic development: Localist policy discourses and the Localism ActBasic processes in reading: Multiple routines in localist and connectionist models.The processing of root morphemes in Hebrew: Contrasting localist and distributed accountsList composition and the word length effect in immediate recall: A comparison of localist and globalist assumptions