liquate英 ['laɪkweɪt] 美 ['laɪkweɪt]
LiQuate-Estimating the Quality of Links in the Linking Open Data CloudLiQuate-Estimating the Quality of Links in the Linking Open Data CloudAnalyzing Linked Data Quality with LiQuateAnalyzing Linked Data Quality with LiQuate[A sporotrichoid form of gummatous colliquate tuberculosis.]Applications of liquate high velocity oxygen flame to industries components and its considerationsApplication of PLC in Temperature Control of the Electric Liquate Thermo-insulated FurnaceRelationship between Liquate components from Marble and Air Pollution, Acid Rain (Cultural Properties and Atmospheric Environment)Esperienze sul trattamento locale con rifamicina SV delle adenopatie periferiche colliquateLiquation cracking in partial penetration aluminium welds: assessing tendencies to liquate, crack and backfill